What is the medium through which we experience the world ! Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jul 28, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13, Text 35

In our culture, we mostly experience the real world second-hand: not by directly interacting with it using our senses, but by receiving it as depicted by the media, especially television.

When television reports events from the real world, as in the daily news, it reports not transparently but selectively, focusing on those real life events that are entertaining. Even its reports of non-entertaining tragic events like natural calamities are conveyed in an atmosphere that says: “don’t take this seriously.” This is evident in the concluding call of the daily news: “do join us tomorrow.” Why join again after having heard enough news of death and deceit and destruction to cause several sleepless nights? Only a miniscule fraction of the news affects us directly, and an even lesser fraction of those events can be affected by us.
Then why join again? To be entertained. The unspoken message is, “All this is meant to entertain. Join us tomorrow for another session of entertainment.”

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