Transforming our heart into a blossoming garden (Gita Daily)

Published on Oct 22, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 09, Text 13

Love is not just a feeling, but also a doing; not just an emotion, but also an action. In fact, love as a feeling is the root that grows and blossoms into the flower of love as an action. And, paradoxically, love as an action acts as the root that grows and blossoms into the flower of love as a feeling. Thus, when we cultivate simultaneously the feelings and the actions of love, then they nourish each other mutually, and our heart transforms into a beautiful garden filled with blossoming flowers of love.

The love in our heart may blossom temporarily in the presence of a person who seems attractive, but the blossom soon dries and dies when that person disappoints or departs. Our heart’s love blossoms completely and permanently only in the presence of the all-attractive supreme person, Krishna, because:

1. He is the perennial reservoir of all endearing qualities, so he never disappoints us

2. He is eternally committed to loving us, so he never departs from our hearts.

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