Does ISKCON believe in reincarnation? Is there evidence for reincarnation?

Published on Jan 18, 2015

Question: Does ISKCON believe in reincarnation? Is there evidence for reincarnation?

Answer: Yes, and yes.
The word ‘reincarnate’ derives from the root ‘carna’ which means ‘flesh’.

Reincarnate therefore means to enter into the flesh again.

The Vedas explain that the spirit soul is eternal; the real person, the spirit soul never dies.

In the natural course of life the body grows from a baby to youth to boyhood, middle age, then old age and death, and then transmigrates into another body at death.

Your destination depends upon your thoughts at death, and what we think of at the time of death depends on what we have been absorbed in for most of our lives.

Thus spiritual training is needed for one to remember a spiritual destination at the time of death or one will continue in the cycle of birth and death.
The Vedas contain amazing stories of reincarnation.

The Western sceptic, of course, wants scientific evidence.

One can study the work of the late Dr. Ian Stevenson who investigated and recorded cases of reincarnation or that of Dr. Michael Sabom and others. Reincarnation memories often occur in children and as they grow they tend to forget.

So if one wanted to confirm a case of reincarnation, investigative work may reveal old civic records of the person in a previous life.

For one in the Vedic paradigm, ideas of reincarnation are quite normal.

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