An inner drive that is beyond jeers and cheers (Gita Daily)

Published on Oct 22, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12, Text 19

Our drives shape, even determine, our life’s destiny.
Gita wisdom reveals our ultimate destiny: eternal, ecstatic love for the all-attractive Lord, Krishna. The realization of this destiny hinges on our drive to practice devotional service.

To sustain our drive for Krishna, we need to transcend the world’s opinions, for those opinions originate in a fallible conception of life that rarely accords Krishna any significance or even existence. The Bhagavad-gita (12.19) mentions that a serious drive for Krishna (sthira-matir) empowers serious devotees to transcend the world’s jeers and cheers (tulya ninda stutir). Let’s see how they transcend the world’s views:

Jeers: The world may scorn or sneer devotees, but they march on undaunted; they know that these jeers are simply ways by which Krishna is exhausting their past negative karmic reactions, so that they can return to him faster. Of course, devotees are humble and alert enough to check and correct themselves if they are alienating anyone unnecessarily. But they don’t let the fear of alienation impede them in their necessary devotional practices.

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