19. A Change in Lord Nimai Pandit – Chaitanya Charitamrita series

Published on Jul 13, 2013

19. A Change in Lord Nimai Pandit – Chaitanya Charitamrita series
Brief introduction of the speaker: H.G. Jagannatheshwari Devi Dasi is a senior disciple of H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaja. She renders various services including proof reading of Shrimad Bhagvatam(English to Marathi for the last 10 years and is continuing till date.She has reached 10th canto). She also conducts children’s programme (drama and Bhagvad Gita shloka recitation), as a mentor she trains budding devotees in Krishna Consciousness, takes active participation in annual drama’s and kirtan (loves to sing kirtan).

Introducing the topic:A Change in Lord Nimai Pandit
It was at the age of sixteen or seventeen that He travelled to Gaya with a host of His students, and there took His spiritual inititation from Iswar Puri, a Vaishnava sannyasi, and a disciple of the renowned Madhavendra Puri. Upon His return to Nadia, Nimai Pandit turned out a religious preacher and His religious nature became so strongly represented that Avdaita Prabhu, Srivas and the others who had before the birth of Chaitanya already accepted the Vaishnava faith, were astonished at the change of the young man. He was then no more a contending naiyaika, a wrangling smarta and a criticising rhetorician. He swooned at the name of Krishna and behaved as an inspired man under the influence of His religious sentiment. It has been described by Murari Gupta, an eye witness that, He showed His heavenly powers in the house of Srivas Pandit in the presence of hundreds of His followers who were mostly well-read scholars. It was at this time that He opened a nocturnal school of Kirtan in the compound of Srivas Pandit with His sincere followers. There He preached, there He sang, there He danced and there He expressed all sorts of religious feelings. Nityananda Prabhu who was then a preacher of Vaishnavism and who had then completed his travels all over India, joined Him by that time. In fact, a host of Pandit preachers of Vaishnavism all sincere at heart, came and joined Him from different parts of Bengal. Nadia now became the regular seat of a host of Vaishnava Acharyas whose mission it was to spiritualize mankind with the highest influence of the Vaishnava creed.


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