The Gita lives through those who live the Gita ! Jaggannatheshwari Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jul 31, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 03, Text 21

Many people hesitate to apply the Bhagavad-gita in their lives because they doubt whether its guidelines given thousands of years ago are practical today. Their doubt originates in a fundamental misunderstanding about the nature of the Gita wisdom-tradition.

A living scriptural tradition can never exist as an airtight-sealed vacuum of scriptural guidelines.If any tradition tries to do so, it will soon find itself in the trashcan of history. What keeps a tradition living is its model practitioners, those seasoned spiritualists who have deeply internalized the scriptural guidelines and have gained an innate sense of the essence and purpose of those guidelines. Being constantly oriented by this sense, they demonstrate through their words and actions how those guidelines are applicable and beneficial in contemporary scenarios.

The Bhagavad-gita demonstrates a keen awareness of this critical, even indispensable, role played by model practitioners when it states (03.21) that a society’s values and purposes are determined by its role models. The Gita wisdom-tradition lives through those who live according to its values and goals.

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