Gita 11.40 – Relish the symbiosis of Krishna’s omnipresence and his sonic presence

Published on Dec 29, 2014

Bg 11.40
namah purastad atha prsthatas te
namo ’stu te sarvata eva sarva
ananta-viryamita-vikramas tvam
sarvam samapnosi tato ’si sarvah

Obeisances to You from the front, from behind and from all sides! O unbounded power, You are the master of limitless might! You are all-pervading, and thus You are everything!

Out of loving ecstasy for Krsna, his friend, Arjuna is offering his respects from all sides. He is accepting that He is the master of all potencies and all prowess and far superior to all the great warriors assembled on the battlefield. It is said in the Visnu Purana (1.9.69):

yo ’yam tavagato deva
samipam devata-ganah
sa tvam eva jagat-srasta
yatah sarva-gato bhavan

“Whoever comes before You, even if he be a demigod, is created by You, O Supreme Personality of Godhead.”

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