Gita 01.04 – Our inner frame of reference shapes our outer focus of reference

Published on Sep 21, 2014

Gita 01.04 – Our inner frame of reference shapes our outer focus of reference by Chaitanya Charan Das
Bg 1.4
atra sura mahesv-asa
bhimarjuna-sama yudhi
yuyudhano viratas ca
drupadas ca maha-rathah
Here in this army are many heroic bowmen equal in fighting to Bhima and Arjuna: great fighters like Yuyudhana, Virata and Drupada.
Even though Dhrstadyumna was not a very important obstacle in the face of Dronacarya’s very great power in the military art, there were many others who were causes of fear. They are mentioned by Duryodhana as great stumbling blocks on the path of victory because each and every one of them was as formidable as Bhima and Arjuna. He knew the strength of Bhima and Arjuna, and thus he compared the others with them.

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