Damodar Lila by H.G Laxmidhar Das (Day 03)

Published on Feb 21, 2014

About the speaker: H.G Laxmidhar Das is a senior disciple of H.H. Radha Govind Swami. He is an active preacher.

Short Description on Damodar Lila: H.H.Lokanath Swami Maharaj explains that on the first night of the month of Kartik, Lord Krishna was dancing not only with Radha, but with millions of Gopis. Krishna appears once in one day of Brahma and he dances for the whole night of Brahma. He explains further that the pastime Damodar Lila is in between Lord Krishna and Yashoda. He says that most attractive pastimes of the Lord are the childhood pastimes and Krishna is the king of all the rasas and he is also the enjoyer of all the rasas.

To read about Damodar Lila in detail visit:

To hear Damodar Lila in Hindi by H.G Radha Krishna Das visit:

For KIDS:To play a game on Damodar Lila visit:

To watch Drama on Damodar Lila by Chowpatty devotees (Gopal’s Garden High School):

To watch Drama on Damodar Lila by Houston devotees visit:

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