Bhagavatam-daily 122 – Canto-11, Chapter-08, Text-38 – Misery is not due to unfulfilled desire, but desire itself

Published on Jan 26, 2015

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto-11, Chapter-08, Text-38
maivam syur manda-bhagyayah
klesa nirveda-hetavah
yenanubandham nirhrtya
purusah samam rcchati

A person who has developed detachment can give up the bondage of material society, friendship and love, and a person who undergoes great suffering gradually becomes, out of hopelessness, detached and indifferent to the material world. Thus, due to my great suffering, such detachment awoke in my heart; yet how could I have undergone such merciful suffering if I were actually unfortunate? Therefore, I am in fact fortunate and have received the mercy of the Lord. He must somehow or other be pleased with me.

[To hear more on this verse, visit –]

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